Self Leveling Screed
It is a cement and resin based, high polymer added, non-dusting, self-leveling surface leveling screed. It provides a smooth surface by closing the roughness of the subfloors. It is a material with high wear resistance and surface hardness. It is used wherever a suitable floor is desired to be created on the scales before PVC floor coverings, Solid-Laminated-Laminate flooring, tile and roll carpet.
It is a must to use self leveling screed for coating materials that require a very smooth floor. Because; Even in helicopter corrected screeds, fluctuations occur within the screed itself, albeit at the order of millimeters. These fluctuations show themselves more in top coats and especially in glossy – semi-matt coatings. For this reason, when it is desired to pour screed with a very smooth surface or when it is necessary to pour the screed at a desired level and scale, it is a must to use ready-made self-leveling screed.
If the ground conditions are suitable for self leveling screed, the self leveling and primer to be used are determined according to the final coating type to be coated and the maximum application thickness. The floor survey is drawn. And by making a grid on this survey, each region is scanned with the help of laser level. This information is drawn in the computer environment and the level values are entered to determine how much screed and primer will be used for that floor.
Application on smooth floors: The floor is swept and cleaned. If any, any moving shield parts are repaired. And a predetermined type of primer (epoxy or dispersion based) is applied to the floor. After the primer has dried, a fill form is created with filler flakes and threads to bring the floor to the desired final level. And the screed prepared according to the catalog values is poured on the floor. The surface is smoothed with a trowel, the surface is scanned with a spiked roller, and the surface is left to dry after removing possible air bubbles.
On problematic soils: If the ground is not suitable for self-leveling, the existing ground must be corrected first. At this stage, it is checked whether the ground is dusty and whether it has risen or swelled. If there is dust on the floor, the floor is strengthened by impregnating the floor with an epoxy primer before the screed (0.50-2.00 kg/m2 consumption). By sprinkling clean silica sand on the epoxy (1,50kg/m2 consumption), the epoxy surface is provided to be rough. Epoxy primer will dry after a day. Normal application is carried out by sweeping the free sands on the ground. If the dust and lifts on the floor are too much to be removed by epoxy primer impregnation, the existing floor is partially or completely removed. The new classic screed is poured. And self leveling is done on this solid screed.
Areas of Usage
It is used to fix the floors where materials such as tiles, ceramics, granite ceramics, marble, natural granite, parquet, PVC and carpet will be adhered indoors and outdoors.